Thank You, Kim K’s Butt

Recently I discovered a series of photos taken of internet sensation and mother of two, Kim Kardashian, and I was suitably relieved at see cellulite (not that it’s a bad thing, Kim!), wobbly legs and less-than-smooth skin.

It prompted me to save the images, in an act I can only explain as self-indulgence. I can now find these photos whenever I see my own legs and get depressed by all the imperfections. Continue reading

10 Life Goals for 2017

Despite being the middle of the damn year already (Sort of! Where does the time go?), I still have some major goal-achieving to do.

I’ve decided to document my 10 Goals for 2017, right here, right now, so that you know and I know and I can be accountable for achieving them.

I give you permission to shout and scream at me, should I fail to achieve any of them.

It’s okay, I’ll be shouting at myself too.

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